Saturday, September 22, 2012

Read this if u feel wanna cry

Posted by desy_ifaa at 5:14 AM 0 comments
Bicaralah padaku bila aku kesepian
Bisikkanlah dukungan-Mu bila aku dirundung kecemasan
Dengarkanlah suaraku bila aku jatuh
Sudilah menjadi bagiku penghiburan dalam perjalanan
Tempat bernaung di waktu panas
Tempat berteduh di kala hujan
Tongkat penuntun dalam kelelahan
dan penolong dalam bahaya
semoga aku berhasil mencapai tujuanku
Sekarang, dan juga nanti
pada akhir hidupku

*Doa peziarah di dalam perjalanan menuju Santiago de compostela

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

UanG keRtas daN dAndeLLion

Posted by desy_ifaa at 6:29 PM 3 comments

Dandellion, this kind of flower is very special to me. Do you want to know why? Cause its life inspires me somehow :)

Actually this post, I have already posted in my facebook long time ago. Eventhough it might be not a lot of people read it so just think to repost it again. Furthermore I do not have so much motivation these days, so I think I need some inspirations to motivate my self. :D But, I am so sorry its in Indonesian. Just too lazy to translate it into English :P

Teringat ketika menulis sebuah pesan kepada seorang teman..
Seperti filosofi uang kertas dan dandelion si rumput liar....

Kenapa uang kertas? Karena tatkala nilainya semakin besar, ia semakin diam tak berisik disaku, sedangkan uang receh, semakin besar  nilainya, semakin gemerincing bunyi di saku tatkala berjalan..

Dan dandelion si rumput liar..
Ia hidup bukan ditempat yang indah, bukan di pot bunga hias sarat keindahan seni.. tapi ia bisa hidup dimana saja, di pinggir jalan, di got, di tanah gersang, ataupun di ladang yang hijau. Dimanapun ia tumbuh dan bersembunyi, ia tak pernah mengeluh, ia tetap bisa bertahan hidup, mekar kemudian berbunga. Dari luar, ia  tampak rapuh, tak kuat menahan terpaan angin. Bukannya tak kuat, tapi itulah caranya menunjukkan kesetiaan pada angin, yang membawanya pergi, menebar benih calon-calon dandelion yang indah di tempat lain.. Dari hidup hingga mati, ia tak pernah minta untuk diberi, tapi hidupnya dia gunakan untuk memberi, menebar benih dan kasih sayang, hingga ilalang tak pernah kesepian dan ladang hijau luas selalu tampak indah dengan balutan dandelion...
Dandelion, kemana pun angin membawanya pergi, seluas apapun dunia yang ia lintasi, pada akhirnya ia akan kembali, ke tempat dimana dia berasal dan memulai kehidupannya...

Tak perlu dijelaskan apa makna dari itu semua, biarlah kita pribadi yang merenunginya dan memaknainya masing-masing, mencernanya dengan hati dan kemudian merefleksikannya dalam kehidupan sesuai kemampuan kita.. ^__^

Hope it can inspires you somehow also!! ^_^

*I dedicated this post to my best friend that I have ever had. At some moments, I miss him. Thanks for being my friend. Hope can hear your amazing story (again) someday.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

tHe perFect onE

Posted by desy_ifaa at 9:22 PM 2 comments

One day my friend tweeted bout finding the perfect guy. Make me thinking and rethinking into deep thinking (errrrr). Ya ya, people always look for the perfect one, but have they already looked into themselves? Ok, I know, I am not the perfect one neither the ******* also. I am just an ordinary people. Doing good and bad things as routines (?), haha, I mean it is usual. Then if you want finding the perfect one, I dont know if you can find him or at least how long you can wait for him. One year, tow years or thousand years? Hi girls,cmon! Listen, just want you to think once again thoroughly. I know that everyone want the best, but nobody is perfect. And have you looked into yourself? Are you 'good enough' so you can get the perfect one? Good man for good woman and bad man for bad woman..
So, I think what we should do is taking and giving. Take the good from him and give the good from ourselves. Then we can experience moments perfectly. Understand that there is always good and bad, strength and weakness. Nothing is wrong with it ! (So we are acallaed human being)

Finding the rite guy who makes you feel more perfect cause he loves who you are sincerely. Hope you can find the rite one! (self reminder for my self too, *oops)

SeRiBu waJah CinTa

Posted by desy_ifaa at 8:32 PM 0 comments

"Tak pernah ada yang mengerti kenapa cinta punya seribu wajah. Kadang ia bisa menjadi senang, kadang ia bisa menjadi duka. Kadang ia adalah tawa tapi kadang ia menjadi air mata. Wujudnya kadang adalah anugrah tapi kadang ia berubah jadi nestapa. Dan beratus lainnya rupa cinta..."

" Tak pernah ada yang tahu darimana datangnya. Apakah mata? Atau hati yang pertama kali ia sapa? Atau bisa juga tutur kata tempat ia singgah awalnya..."

"Cinta kemudian melanjutkan cerita. Seribu wajah, selang berganti dalam semusim dan musim seterusnya. Semusim bisa jadi lama atau singkat. Tapi tak masalah, toh akhirnya pada akhir cerita ia seringkali tak terduga. Karena, tak pernah ada yang tau wajahnya di akhir cerita."

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WaiT for ComeBack PleasE..

Posted by desy_ifaa at 11:03 PM 3 comments
Hi! Its me, Desy! I will come back soon to bring you a bunch of story! It has been a while (em em, not a while), it has been long time no new post in my blog. Cant wait for telling you a lot of turning up down experiences of my life these past six months. I haven't write anything yet, but soon I will write it. Now, I just want to show you something I miss very much! DANDELION.. 

Haha, I miss this kind of thing! So funny! Dandelion always have great story with me (I will tell you someday). Is it beautiful? So for today, please enjoy my random pics 

I dont know whats species this plant? I think its just kind of bushes? Flower bushes??

You must know it rite? Its abslutely true! Cherry! Its fully blossoms! I got it when spring came in Sweden last April (just only few weeks). One of my favorite plant in this world! 

Well well, once again, dont know the name, whatever as long as it 's beautiful. Haha.. I took the picture coz its totally not typical Indonesian plant! Red leaves!!

N  this the pink purple leaves!!!! I wish I could plant it in front of my house! :D 

Hope you enjoy those pics! Next time, bring you more pics again! See ya!

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